Contact Us

Contact Form

By submitting the form below, you can ask your question, request a price quote, or send us your comments. Please try to be as precise and detailed as possible when filling out the form, so that our specialists can contact you in a prepared manner, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

    Contact Details

    Hungary H-2146 Mogyoród, Kerektó utca 4.

    Hungary H-1142 Budapest, Miskolci u. 165/b.

    GPS coordinates
    N47° 35′ 22″
    E19° 14′ 33″

    Opening Time:
    Monday – Thursday: 6:30-17:00
    Friday: 6:30-14:30

    Before taking over a workpiece weighing more than 30 kg or requiring mechanical loading, we ask for a telephone consultation!

    Company details:

    Company name:

    TEN-LINE TEFLON®-bevonó, Szinterező és Kereskedelmi Kft.

    Billing address:

    1142 Budapest, Miskolci utca 165/B

    Post address:

    2146 Mogyoród, Kerektó utca 4.

    HUN VAT Number:


    EU VAT Number:

    HU 10622113

    Company registration number:

    01 09 160049

    How to approach:

    From Budapest on the motorway M3 direction Nyíregyháza and leave the motorway at resting place Hungaroring at km 19. Following the signpost “HUNGARORING”, continue your way and you will reach us within 2 kilometers.

    From the east part of Hungary on the motorway M3 direction Budapest and leave the motorway at the 19 km signpost. Following the signpost “HUNGARORING”, continue your way and you will reach us within 2 kilometers.

    From each direction please follow our signposts!